Friday, January 26, 2007

the wonderful day

Today was unparalleled
there were many girls that were very happy women and I was able to see them and smile and joke with them and it was like a dream. how wonderful to have them with their bracelets and their smiles and their big eyes
and oh their big happy mouths. and their voices that are like little damp
flute sounds..
and the georgian girl whose name escapes me now was it sonia oh but the wonderful thing the thing that made me the happiest was lil miss beautiful Christie who i sat next to in lab right away
I made sure to do that and not really talk to her and then when the teacher told everyone to introduce myself to my neighbor there was asuch a shy reluctant happiness that we were finally going to break the ice,
the awkward joy
it was an awkward rejoice.. and she has this little beauty mark that so not like her. because she is not so nose up in the air and standoffish, but actually really sweet and maybe even insecure., but not too much she is a
strong woman because she plays sports a javelin thrower. gosh, she reminds me of the girls back home in manhattan beach, sans the attitude.
gosh I really I hateGUYS all of a sudden their attempts to be witty and stubbly faces just drive me insane with a bilous face what a wonderfland. such a fantasy of wonderful smiles. the rock on the georgian girls' finger was ruby diamond a blood diamond
i said
I saw blood diamond
don't try to pull that on me.
she laughed even though she didn't know what the hell I was talking about. . . . ,

Friday, November 17, 2006

Tannic Acid

Tough midterm today. You know they put tannic acid. well its in... tea.

you put it on your eyeball if it ever gets irritated.

Sonia thinks I'm funny. We have a good laugh.

its great to laugh over things. we'd probably laugh over something that I won't write about. and it would ruin everything because we'd be too stuck to each other.

we are friday friends right now.

I better have gotten those problems right today otherwise i will have to throw pudding at picture of pedro's face. and his big smile.

I would like to start a book called pedro and his big smile, starring wilbur the pig, and pedro the tyranosaur. that's right it addresses speciesism, and big smilism.

Can you imagine if I went to City College! He'd probably bring a shaver, shave the hair off my head and use my hair as toilet paper. He'd then go on to read me a lullaby about these cells called neurons that live in my brain.

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

A long and premidtermish worry day. but control is gained through various focus techniques.

on school and various environment.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

test 1

it seems that i can read this through google?

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notes on a thursday before veterans day

Another day of intrigue.
fat men are dancing to sugar plum fairies.
the compulsion is back. Got BOnd books, for Ronald SHowes. should have got eh crips book since he's probably from poorer neighborhood, he is black.

A good vacation is coming. I fly to the south for thanksgiving where they will grant me good measure to eat and be merry. Firefox is remarkeable. I rather love it actually

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

thoughts on late saturday morning. AKA lunchtime

so fantastic.
I hear distant noodling music from chelsea upstairs.
what the humbug, i need the princeton review physical sciences MCAT book to feel secure.
75 bucks for the whole shebang.
This is a sad, eventuality. I have to die a happy man. If I die happy it is more tragic right, since i am losing more by dying.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Event Horizon

I love san francisco. Look Look Look.
its the sky and then its a pine saying i live and rest on teh sky.
I say tree. you stand up on your own.
No it is the sky that i live in . my support.
okay, i say, an dthere are chirps from all around. and somehwere a breaze comes adn blows the love of god into my kidneys. the houses are packed and this bamboo filters lightand gives me feeling of good newborn forrests.
A friendly place is not a forbidden pleasure.
It is a gully and windy road, it is a little nook that seems lodged in every cranny on this wonderful peninsula.
San Francisco tells me that if I were an astronaut I would ant to come back home an drethink my line of work, because all i ever want is here in this peerless bay. Hail the bridge of a gold, a gold so lovely that it is RED!.
Forget the moon, I am in the center of the edge of the west.


Piece of cake. I have realized through many trials and heartache, that all the harsh difficulties that nettle the path of a true soul searcher, academic and light bringer can be cast aside with the simple prescription of a clean and pure medicine. A little confidence and a bit of ramen soup is actually all it takes, the latter only for a little spice.

So now that the whole future is easy, it allows for a multitude of possabilities every fork can be charted out in a wonderful branching out in a tree-like array on the blank slate of the sweet white paper. I impregnate it with ink. thin black lines tha scurry and almost scratch ink.
You drive me to the bay, and i will be the one who gets in the water! watch. I have waves breaking at my ankles!

A horrible day, and this the conclusion that brings tears to the bird watching a dreamer, and take s amoment from scavenging to think "gee. oh gee!"

Piece of cake means that it all can be done, even the hard one, the hardest one... enlightenment.
the conquering of time and mind.
Piece of cake.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

bad day

A Fucking Lab

I was sitting in the smelly class doing a fucking lab.

Protein shit. No it was worse, Disstillation, which means evaporation to get a piece of shit.

I was sick of it.

That is my abstract.

Here is my Intro.

The lab was like being in a cage while zookeepers poured unknoqn steamy liquids in a pot right next to your goddamn face.

My lab partners did alol the fucking work. Those pieces of shit. They only want to finish the damn thing… assholes… what happened to the learning process. Their brains must be freaking Pentium processors without souls and super fast.

And my GSI can’t speak or know what the hell I’m asking half the time.

Here is my Calculation

Crap + what the hell= Lab sucks

Here is my Conclusion. Distillation is like a wet burp and if its reall gut it stinks your throat.

Ive spent the whole godamnbn two hours trying to figure out hw to do this traffic court bullshit. Fuck this place, there is no happy place for an ugly man.