Thursday, September 14, 2006

Future Planns

well, telling by the spelling i can't really think ahead. I mean who could have foreseen the disaster of the second n creaping up in plans?

Well, I see a man staring wildly into a micrsocope watching things wrap around and devour other little things. I see a man disecting a mouse's stomach to find the jewel of life wrapped up in crystal gametes.
there's some kind of research in the horizon. There might by some monking about with Blue.
There might be some neurologist work.
but so much depends on the MCAT.
I don't particularly have a great liking for cats. i mean i like kittens, but cats are scratchy dander-filled things. I don't like the MCAT either. But it could be the only thing i have left.
thank goodness for Blue or how could I take any of this?


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